Functional Medicine Advanced Practice Workshops
Are you ready to transform patient outcomes and your practice?
Join Tracy Harrison, Founder and Lead Educator at The School of Applied Functional Medicine, for a six-hour, hands-on workshop offering you the valuable functional medicine insights you need to take your practice to the next level (delivered online).
Get ready to dive deep into a different approach to resolving your patients’ chronic health issues, one strongly rooted in the concept of “interconnectedness”.
Full Functional Medicine Certification with SAFM
Transform your career. Change your life.
The School of Applied Functional Medicine, empowers restless, progressive health professionals with the resilient capability they need to assess and reverse the root causes of disease. They finally, confidently, know how to help a person truly get well and stay well – and find the fulfillment they crave.
The world needs you! Together, we can transform the world’s “sick care” system into one that offers sustainable health and healing to so many suffering with chronic illness.
The School of Applied Functional Medicine is ACCME accredited.
Physician Assistant Edit Zelkind shares her SAFM experience.
SAFM is offering different opportunities to learn more about the SAFM Functional Medicine Training Program:
- Live Q&A session with Tracy Harrison, SAFM Founder and Lead Educator
- Live practice panel allowing you to connect with SAFM Graduates to learn how they are using the SAFM education in their practice. A recording will be made available for both.
Tracy Harrison shares about the value of Health Coaches on the medical team.
Obtaining AFMC certification with SAFM has empowered me to help clients with very complex health challenges. I’m a passionate ambassador for the education of The School of Applied Functional Medicine and I truly believe that we need more health care professionals with this level of in-depth training. For some offerings of SAFM, The House of Functional Medicine receives an affiliate commission at no extra cost for you.